Thursday 8 March 2007

Just another night

Spent quite a while tonight trying to get a pair of USB headphones + mic working. They seem to work OK with Skype which is what I really got them for.

Watched most of a really interesting prog on Channel 4 which was trying to debunk all of the stuff about global warming. The main guy was the ex editor of New Scientist (Alan Calder?).
Anyway it was quite interesting and has made me recosnider my views a bit. It seemed to be saying that it has become trendy to produce scaremongering stories about GB. The experts on the prog pointed out that most of the (scary) predictions are done using computer models. They pointed out that it is easy to tweak the odd parameter (of the hundereds) within a model and get an intersting result if you want to. Another bit showed that CO2 increase has lagged warming (by 800 years) over the centuries rather than been the cause of it. Needs further examination!

Adele's arthritis is getting worse. Here knee joints are really giving her jip. She says that she may get her prayer appointment this Sunday. I really hope an pray that she gets delivered from some of the stuff that I think is in her life that is possibly the cause of many of the illnesses she suffers from. It cerstianly seems that at the moment she is having a bad time with her depression; and (coincidentally?) the arthritis is flaring up too.